Last summer I got the awesome opportunity to vibe with +Keet Dayeen at the annual Northwest canoe journeys “Paddle to Squaxin Island 2012”. He is from the Tohono O’odham Nation. We spoke
about the power of unity and how our people are progressing towards coming
together. As young adults it is our job to be as active as we can right now to
continue to pave the way for the younger generations to follow.
Dayeen is surely one of those young adults
that is paving a road to success. From being a lyricist to being an activist
for native rights, Dayeen sends out the good energy we need to help in the
betterment of our communities. He is moved and inspired by music. Right now he
is continuously working on his own artistic progression through hip-hop, poetry
and music. He has his own recordings and production. Check him out on Sound Cloud
natives like Dayeen that deserve recognition for the work that they do. Through
my blog I hope I can show the world the great work Native Americans are doing
not only in Indian country but in the country period. For some reason there is
still a foot over our backs stunting our growth to breach the mainstream conversations
alone. I encourage ALL of you—native and non-native that when reading my blog you
begin think about ways to bring light to what Native Americans are doing. Whether it is the work a Tribal elder has done
for their people throughout their entire life or a young leader in a youth organization,
we demand to be “Idle no more”!
If we can bring Native Americans to a relevant
place in today’s society then the struggle will become less painful in our
The conversation that Dayeen and I had on unity is what we need others to be discussing in BOTH worlds. When I say BOTH worlds I am sure all of my native followers know what I am referring to. However, to the non-native followers it means that as a Native American today we literally live in two worlds at the same time. Being Native American is not just an ethnicity; moreover, it is a way of life. With that said I KNOW if you listen to Kent Dayeen’s work you will be more than in encouraged to do something about this movement of being “Idle No More”.
giving a shout out to Dayeen, I am a fan of your work and appreciate your dedication
to our people! Keep the tradition alive and keep working hard.
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